Monument RE in Belgium

Monument Assurance Belgium (formerly ABN AMRO Life Capital N.V.) is a Belgian insurance company, regulated by the National Bank of Belgium and the Financial Services and Markets Authority.
The company was established in 2002 to underwrite these products to entities operating in Belgium and individual customers working or living in Belgium.
The Reward and Reward Pro products include life and death benefits, waiver of premium and replacement income in case of incapacity of work.
For customer service, policy administration, or claim information please see our contact information.
Life Insurances Reward and Reward Pro
For more information about your life insurance policy, you can consult the following documents:
As from December 15th 2021, the Branch 21 and Branch 23 life insurances policies and the coinsurance and reinsurance contracts to these Branches from Integrale SA are transferred to Monument Assurance Belgium NV
To access the information related to this portfolio, please use the following link
To access to MyMonument application, please use the following link
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19 – 1210 Brussels – Belgium
+32 (0) 78 050 006 | +32 (0) 4 232 44 11
Company, with company number 0478.291.162, admitted by Royal Decree of 23/10/2002 under code number 1644 for branch 21 and branch 23 life insurance transactions, branch 22 birth and marriage insurances and branch 26 capitalization transactions.
Insurance Act – Segmentation criteria
To determine whether and at what rate you can subscribe to a life insurance policy, our company applies the following criteria:
- Health of the policyholder / insured person (s)
The state of health at the time of concluding the contract may have an impact on the acceptance by our company of your agreement. These criteria also affect the premiums we charge for the death benefit, incapacity for work and waiver of premium. - Age of the policyholder / insured person (s)
This has also an impact on the subscription cover for death, incapacity for work and waiver of premium. It also has a direct influence on the level of the premiums that we charge for these guarantees.
Monument Re
Crown House
4 Par-la-Ville Road
Hamilton HM08
+1 441 400 9300
Monument Life Insurance DAC
Two Park Place,
Upper Hatch Street,
Dublin 2
Monument Assurance Belgium S.A.
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19 - 1210 Brussels – Belgium
+32 (0) 78 050 006 | +32 (0) 4 232 44 11
Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.
Atrium Business Park
29, rue du Puits Romain
L- 8070 Bertrange
+352-264 98 1
Monument International Life Assurance Company Limited
St George’s Court
Upper Church Street
Isle of Man IM1 1EE
+44 1624 683 683
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