Sale of Irish insurance businesses completes

NEWSBarclays has completed the sale of Barclays Insurance (Dublin) Designated Activity Company and Barclays Assurance (Dublin) Designated Activity Company to Monument Re Limited for an undisclosed sum. The two businesses provide underwriting services for payment...

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Barclays disposes of Irish insurance business

NEWSOne of the giants of the banking sector, Barclays, has announced that it will sell its Irish insurance business. The company declared earlier today that Barclays Insurance (Dublin) Designated Activity Co. and Barclays Assurance (Dublin) Activity Co. will both be...

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Monument Re

Crown House
4 Par-la-Ville Road
Hamilton HM08

+1 441 400 9300

Monument Life Insurance DAC

Two Park Place,
Upper Hatch Street,
Dublin 2

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+32 (0) 78 050 006 | +32 (0) 4 232 44 11  

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Atrium Business Park
29, rue du Puits Romain
L- 8070 Bertrange

+352-264 98 1

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